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Keeping a regular backup for your website will help you to restore lost data if something goes wrong. Incremental backups take it a step farther, backing up only the changes since the last backup, the perfect mix of safety and efficiency.

如果出现问题,请为您的网站进行定期备份将有助于您恢复丢失的数据。 增量备份更进一步,仅备份自上次备份以来的更改,安全性和效率的完美结合。

You must have heard people narrating their data loss horror stories, in which they were unable to recover their data because they were not keeping backups. Backups are no less than website insurance. It is like you have placed copies of your data in some safe locker, and in a case of emergency, you retrieve it and use it to rebuild your site. WordPress plugins have been very helpful in this respect, and you find many good choices to opt from to create backups easily. When a backup is created, you will want it to contain everything from the website at that very moment (files, database, etc).

您一定已经听到人们在讲述他们的数据丢失恐怖故事,因为他们没有保留备份而无法恢复数据。 备份不少于网站保险。 就像您已将数据副本放置在某个安全的储物柜中一样,在紧急情况下,您可以检索数据并将其用于重建站点。 WordPress插件在这方面非常有用,您可以找到许多不错的选择来轻松创建备份。 创建备份后,您将希望它包含当时网站上的所有内容(文件,数据库等)。

备份可保护WordPress网站 (Backups Secure a WordPress Website)

You can learn more about with our comprehensive course. For a quick introduction to WordPress themes, check out our course , which you can preview below:

您可以通过我们的综合课程了解有关更多信息。 要快速了解WordPress主题,请查看我们的课程 ,您可以在下面预览:

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WordPress security has been a discussion for quite a long time, and you find ample content regarding it. Backups are a permanent solution which should be in your arsenal of tools used to secure a site. However, WordPress backups can consist of different types, such as:

WordPress安全已经有很长时间的讨论了,您会发现有关它的大量内容。 备份是一个永久性的解决方案,应包含在用于保护站点的工具中。 但是,WordPress备份可以包含不同类型,例如:

  • Manual: Here all your web files (like plugins, themes, uploads directory) and database are downloaded manually via PhpMyAdmin, the terminal, FTP, etc. Manual backups are not so handy if you are making regular changing on your WP site. They require more time and more work. If you’re determined to perform manual backups, though, you can learn more about it on

    手动:在这里,您的所有Web文件(如插件,主题,上载目录)和数据库都是通过PhpMyAdmin,终端,FTP等手动下载的。如果您定期在WP网站上进行更改,则手动备份不太方便。 他们需要更多的时间和更多的工作。 但是,如果确定要执行手动备份,则可以在上了解有关它的更多信息。

  • Automatic: You’ll use a WordPress plugin or some service to automatically take a backup. Plugins can be configured for the time interval (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, hourly) at which the backup is to be made.

    自动:您将使用WordPress插件或某些服务自动进行备份。 可以针对要进行备份的时间间隔(即每天,每周,每月,每小时)配置插件。

  • Real-Time: These backups are synchronized live as you make any changes in your site content.


  • Full-Site Backups: Here, the backups are taken for the entire site and not just the database or an XML export of the content.


  • Incremental Backups: It is a type of backup that only copies files and data that have changed since the previous backup.


增量备份 (Incremental Backups)

The primary purpose of this post is not, however, to highlight the importance of backups. I’m sure most of you are already aware that you need backups. Instead, I’m going to specifically discuss incremental backups, which not only offer site security, but also save web resources. But I get into further details let’s take a look at the few of the basics about incremental backups.

但是,本文的主要目的不是强调备份的重要性。 我确定你们大多数人已经知道需要备份。 相反,我将专门讨论增量备份,它不仅可以提供站点安全性,而且可以节省Web资源。 但是,我将进一步探讨细节,让我们看一下有关增量备份的一些基础知识。

For example, consider that a full-site backup was made on Day 1. An incremental backup taken later will save all of the files which have been changed since Day 1’s backup. However, the next incremental backup will only backup files that have changed since the most recent incremental backup, and so on. The process is repeated until another full-site backup is performed.

例如,考虑在第1天进行了全站点备份。以后进行的增量备份将保存自第1天备份以来已更改的所有文件。 但是, 下一次增量备份将仅备份自最近一次增量备份以来已更改的文件,依此类推。 重复该过程,直到执行另一个全站点备份为止。

The main advantage of incremental backups is that fewer files are backed up daily, allowing for shorter backup windows (backing up full sites can sometimes cause performance issues and require longer backup windows). In this way, you can preserve web resources like server memory and storage space usage.

增量备份的主要优点是每天备份的文件较少,从而可以缩短备份窗口(备份完整站点有时会导致性能问题,并且需要更长的备份窗口)。 这样,您可以保留Web资源,例如服务器内存和存储空间使用情况。

Hopefully, by now, you recognize the usefulness of taking incremental backups for your websites. There are a couple of go-to backup plugins for it, but the WP Time Capsule plugin replaces the need for nearly all backup solutions out there.

希望到现在,您已经意识到为网站进行增量备份的有用性。 有几个备用备份插件,但是WP Time Capsule插件替代了几乎所有备份解决方案的需求。

WP时间胶囊 (WP Time Capsule)

WP Time Capsule

Of all backup plugins, the  offers one of the best implementations of taking incremental backups for a WordPress website. Upon installing the plugin, it takes an full backup of your site, including the database and files. Later, it only updates the changes which are made. This is impressive as it tends to utilize less of the server’s bandwidth. A complete site backup may be hundreds of MB large, but the many tiny changes are usually small enough that they get updated in a fraction of a second.

在所有备份插件中, 提供了对WordPress网站进行增量备份的最佳实现之一。 安装插件后,它将对您的站点进行完整备份,包括数据库和文件。 以后,它仅更新所做的更改。 这令人印象深刻,因为它倾向于使用较少的服务器带宽。 完整的站点备份可能有数百MB大小,但是许多微小的更改通常很小,以至于在一秒钟之内即可完成更新。

This plugin is aimed towards saving your time while creating automated backups. In addition, the WP Time Capsule plugin lets you create, schedule and send backups straight to Google Drive, Dropbox, and AWS automatically. Once a backup has been performed, it uses the app’s native versioning system to detect file changes in the future. Since only the modified files are backed up, WP Time Capsule lessen the burden of your storage and memory that might otherwise be retaining multiple huge backups. Likewise, retrieval of backups is also quick. Once the plugin setup is complete, all you need to do is to connect it with a account.

该插件旨在节省创建自动备份时的时间。 此外,WP Time Capsule插件使您可以自动创建,安排备份并将备份直接发送到Google Drive,Dropbox和AWS。 执行备份后,它将使用该应用程序的本机版本控制系统来将来检测文件更改。 由于仅备份修改过的文件,因此WP Time Capsule减轻了存储和内存的负担,否则它们可能会保留多个巨大的备份。 同样,备份的检索也很快。 插件设置完成后,您只需要将其与帐户连接 。

WP Time Capsule Login

If you don’t have an account, then you can .

如果您没有帐户,则可以 。

WP Time Capsule - Enter Email

After you’ve entered your email id, you’ll be directed to this sign-up form.


WP Time Capsule - New Account

The basic version of this plugin is available for free, but you can purchase the paid one as well for more advanced features. The monthly price is $5 per site, which is quite reasonable. However, if you are looking for other paid solutions for taking incremental backups, especially of multiple WordPress websites, then you might be interested in ManageWP, which has been around for quite a long time.

该插件的基本版本是免费提供的,但您也可以购买付费插件以获得更高级的功能。 每个站点的每月价格为5美元,这是相当合理的。 但是,如果您正在寻找其他付费解决方案以进行增量备份,尤其是多个WordPress网站的增量备份,那么您可能会对ManageWP感兴趣,ManageWP已经存在了很长时间。

ManageWP备份 (ManageWP Backups)


When you have to manage multiple WordPress websites, is a traditional web application that you can use to do so. It offers one-click access to all of your websites from a single dashboard. This means you can monitor the security and backups from one place. Recently, they’ve undergone a major service upgrade which they call Orion. ManageWP Orion offers the ability to take incremental cloud backups. You can take a sigh of relief and let Orion make regular site backups. This is a great feature to have because the backups are stored on Amazon Web Services. With Orion, however, backups can only be scheduled on a monthly basis, which is where it lags behind the WP Time Capsule plugin. And if for some reason ManageWP doesn’t meet your needs for a multiple site management system to do your updates and backups, you can also check out , another potential solution.

当您必须管理多个WordPress网站时, 是一个传统的Web应用程序,您可以用来执行此操作。 它提供从一个仪表板一键式访问所有网站的功能。 这意味着您可以从一个地方监视安全性和备份。 最近,他们经历了一项重大的服务升级,即所谓的Orion。 ManageWP Orion提供了进行增量云备份的功能。 您可以松一口气,让Orion进行常规站点备份。 这是一项很棒的功能,因为备份存储在Amazon Web Services上。 但是,使用Orion,备份只能按月进行计划,因此备份时间落后于WP Time Capsule插件。 并且,如果由于某种原因ManageWP不能满足您对多站点管理系统进行更新和备份的需求,您还可以 (另一种可能的解决方案) 查看 。

结论 (Conclusion)

Scheduling manual backups regularly is a tiresome process which you cannot repeatedly do. It is a waste of time, and is unreliable, depending on your busy schedule and your memory. With automatic, incremental backup solutions available, this is a set-it-and-forget-it situation. Especially when you are preserving web resources at the same time! So, it’s time for you to shift from traditional backups to incremental ones. What type of backup solution are you using? Is it incremental? Share your experience about it and drop your feedback in the comment box below!

定期安排手动备份是一个令人厌烦的过程,您无法重复执行。 这是浪费时间,而且也不可靠,具体取决于您的日程安排和内存。 有了自动的增量备份解决方案,这就是一劳永逸的情况。 尤其是当您同时保留Web资源时! 因此,是时候从传统备份转移到增量备份了。 您使用哪种类型的备份解决方案? 它是增量的吗? 分享您的经验,并在下面的评论框中添加您的反馈!



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